

七牛日志格式 HIT 0 [07/May/2019:09:04:56 +0800] "GET http://wdl1.cache.wps.cn/per-plugin/dl/addons/pool/win-i386/wpsminisite_3. HTTP/1.1" 206 66372 "-" "-"


int getDownloadSize(QString line) {
    int idx = line.indexOf("HTTP/1.1\"");
    if(idx > 0) {
        QString sub = line.mid(idx);
        QStringList sets = sub.split(" ");
        int size = sets.at(2).toInt();
        return size;
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QString dpath("F:\\日志0508\\18");

    QDir d(dpath);
    QStringList fs = d.entryList();
    qint64 plug_total = 1;
    qint64 other_total = 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {
        QString f = fs.at(i);
        QFile file(dpath+"\\"+f);
        if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) {
        int linecnt = 0;
        while(!file.atEnd()) {
            QByteArray line = file.readLine();
            if(line.indexOf("wdl1.cache.wps.cn") < 0) {
            int idx = line.indexOf("win-i386");
            int size = getDownloadSize(line);
            qint64 skidx = file.pos();
            if(idx > 0) {
                plug_total += size;
                other_total += size;
            if(linecnt % 10000 == 0) {
                printf("\r\nlinecnt:%d - skidx:%lld - plug_total:%lld - other_total:%lld - ratio:%5f", linecnt, skidx, plug_total, other_total, double(plug_total) / double(other_total));
        printf("\r\nlinecnt:%d - plug_total:%lld - other_total:%lld - ratio:%5f", linecnt, plug_total, other_total, double(plug_total) / double(other_total));
    printf("\r\nplug_total:%lld - other_total:%lld - ratio:%5f", plug_total, other_total, double(plug_total) / double(other_total));
    return a.exec();


su -
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
mv fedora.repo fedora.repo.backup
mv fedora-updates.repo fedora-updates.repo.backup
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/fedora.repo
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/fedora-updates.repo
dnf clean all
dnf makecache




yum install qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel qt5-qttools-devel qt5-qtx11extras-devel


export PATH=$PATH:/cmake-3.15.3/bin


git clone https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-build-tools.git
cmake ../lxqt-build-tools
make && make install


git clone git@github.com:kxtry/qtermwidget.git
原版可能无法编译完成,原因是QString("sdfsdfds")会编译不通过,因为从Qt5.9版本开始,QString(char *p)设置成私有函数了。



for fgbg in 38 48 ; do # Foreground / Background
    for color in {0..255} ; do # Colors
        # Display the color
        printf "\e[${fgbg};5;%sm  %3s  \e[0m" $color $color
        # Display 6 colors per lines
        if [ $((($color + 1) % 6)) == 4 ] ; then
            echo # New line
    echo # New line
exit 0


for clbg in {40..47} {100..107} 49 ; do
        for clfg in {30..37} {90..97} 39 ; do
                for attr in 0 1 2 4 5 7 ; do
                        #Print the result
                        echo -en "\e[${attr};${clbg};${clfg}m ^[${attr};${clbg};${clfg}m \e[0m"
                echo #Newline
exit 0


headless vt100 emulator


package main

import (

func main() {
	// src is the input for which we want to print the AST.
	src := `
// @router /login [post]
// @router2 /login2 [post]
package main
func main() {
	println("Hello, World!")

	// Create the AST by parsing src.
	fset := token.NewFileSet() // positions are relative to fset
	f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", src, parser.ParseComments)
	if err != nil {
	for _, comment := range f.Comments {

	// Print the AST.
	ast.Print(fset, f)



@router /login [post]
@router2 /login2 [post]

     0  *ast.File {
     1  .  Doc: *ast.CommentGroup {
     2  .  .  List: []*ast.Comment (len = 2) {
     3  .  .  .  0: *ast.Comment {
     4  .  .  .  .  Slash: 2:1
     5  .  .  .  .  Text: "// @router /login [post]"
     6  .  .  .  }
     7  .  .  .  1: *ast.Comment {
     8  .  .  .  .  Slash: 3:1
     9  .  .  .  .  Text: "// @router2 /login2 [post]"
    10  .  .  .  }
    11  .  .  }
    12  .  }
    13  .  Package: 4:1
    14  .  Name: *ast.Ident {
    15  .  .  NamePos: 4:9
    16  .  .  Name: "main"
    17  .  }
    18  .  Decls: []ast.Decl (len = 1) {
    19  .  .  0: *ast.FuncDecl {
    20  .  .  .  Name: *ast.Ident {
    21  .  .  .  .  NamePos: 5:6
    22  .  .  .  .  Name: "main"
    23  .  .  .  .  Obj: *ast.Object {
    24  .  .  .  .  .  Kind: func
    25  .  .  .  .  .  Name: "main"
    26  .  .  .  .  .  Decl: *(obj @ 19)
    27  .  .  .  .  }
    28  .  .  .  }
    29  .  .  .  Type: *ast.FuncType {
    30  .  .  .  .  Func: 5:1
    31  .  .  .  .  Params: *ast.FieldList {
    32  .  .  .  .  .  Opening: 5:10
    33  .  .  .  .  .  Closing: 5:11
    34  .  .  .  .  }
    35  .  .  .  }
    36  .  .  .  Body: *ast.BlockStmt {
    37  .  .  .  .  Lbrace: 5:13
    38  .  .  .  .  List: []ast.Stmt (len = 1) {
    39  .  .  .  .  .  0: *ast.ExprStmt {
    40  .  .  .  .  .  .  X: *ast.CallExpr {
    41  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Fun: *ast.Ident {
    42  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  NamePos: 6:2
    43  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Name: "println"
    44  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  }
    45  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Lparen: 6:9
    46  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Args: []ast.Expr (len = 1) {
    47  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  0: *ast.BasicLit {
    48  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ValuePos: 6:10
    49  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Kind: STRING
    50  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Value: "\"Hello, World!\""
    51  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  }
    52  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  }
    53  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Ellipsis: -
    54  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Rparen: 6:25
    55  .  .  .  .  .  .  }
    56  .  .  .  .  .  }
    57  .  .  .  .  }
    58  .  .  .  .  Rbrace: 7:1
    59  .  .  .  }
    60  .  .  }
    61  .  }
    62  .  Scope: *ast.Scope {
    63  .  .  Objects: map[string]*ast.Object (len = 1) {
    64  .  .  .  "main": *(obj @ 23)
    65  .  .  }
    66  .  }
    67  .  Unresolved: []*ast.Ident (len = 1) {
    68  .  .  0: *(obj @ 41)
    69  .  }
    70  .  Comments: []*ast.CommentGroup (len = 1) {
    71  .  .  0: *(obj @ 1)
    72  .  }
    73  }


path_script=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
if [ $# -lt 0 ]; then
   awk '{if($1 == "Host"){print $2}}' $cfg
   if [ "$star" == "*" ];then
      servers=$(grep '^Host ' F:/tools/myssh/config | sort -u | sed 's/^Host //')
      for svc in ${servers}
         if [ $svchit == $prefix ]; then
            if [ "$svchit*" != "$svc" ]; then            
               $path_script/exec.exe -F F:\\tools\\myssh\\config "$svc"
   $path_script/exec.exe -F F:\\tools\\myssh\\config $*



hi x016_Grey0 ctermfg=16 guifg=#000000 "rgb=0,0,0
hi x017_NavyBlue ctermfg=17 guifg=#00005f "rgb=0,0,95
hi x018_DarkBlue ctermfg=18 guifg=#000087 "rgb=0,0,135
hi x019_Blue3 ctermfg=19 guifg=#0000af "rgb=0,0,175
hi x020_Blue3 ctermfg=20 guifg=#0000d7 "rgb=0,0,215
hi x021_Blue1 ctermfg=21 guifg=#0000ff "rgb=0,0,255
hi x022_DarkGreen ctermfg=22 guifg=#005f00 "rgb=0,95,0
hi x023_DeepSkyBlue4 ctermfg=23 guifg=#005f5f "rgb=0,95,95
hi x024_DeepSkyBlue4 ctermfg=24 guifg=#005f87 "rgb=0,95,135
hi x025_DeepSkyBlue4 ctermfg=25 guifg=#005faf "rgb=0,95,175
hi x026_DodgerBlue3 ctermfg=26 guifg=#005fd7 "rgb=0,95,215
hi x027_DodgerBlue2 ctermfg=27 guifg=#005fff "rgb=0,95,255
hi x028_Green4 ctermfg=28 guifg=#008700 "rgb=0,135,0
hi x029_SpringGreen4 ctermfg=29 guifg=#00875f "rgb=0,135,95
hi x030_Turquoise4 ctermfg=30 guifg=#008787 "rgb=0,135,135
hi x031_DeepSkyBlue3 ctermfg=31 guifg=#0087af "rgb=0,135,175
hi x032_DeepSkyBlue3 ctermfg=32 guifg=#0087d7 "rgb=0,135,215
hi x033_DodgerBlue1 ctermfg=33 guifg=#0087ff "rgb=0,135,255
hi x034_Green3 ctermfg=34 guifg=#00af00 "rgb=0,175,0
hi x035_SpringGreen3 ctermfg=35 guifg=#00af5f "rgb=0,175,95
hi x036_DarkCyan ctermfg=36 guifg=#00af87 "rgb=0,175,135
hi x037_LightSeaGreen ctermfg=37 guifg=#00afaf "rgb=0,175,175
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hi x039_DeepSkyBlue1 ctermfg=39 guifg=#00afff "rgb=0,175,255
hi x040_Green3 ctermfg=40 guifg=#00d700 "rgb=0,215,0
hi x041_SpringGreen3 ctermfg=41 guifg=#00d75f "rgb=0,215,95
hi x042_SpringGreen2 ctermfg=42 guifg=#00d787 "rgb=0,215,135
hi x043_Cyan3 ctermfg=43 guifg=#00d7af "rgb=0,215,175
hi x044_DarkTurquoise ctermfg=44 guifg=#00d7d7 "rgb=0,215,215
hi x045_Turquoise2 ctermfg=45 guifg=#00d7ff "rgb=0,215,255
hi x046_Green1 ctermfg=46 guifg=#00ff00 "rgb=0,255,0
hi x047_SpringGreen2 ctermfg=47 guifg=#00ff5f "rgb=0,255,95
hi x048_SpringGreen1 ctermfg=48 guifg=#00ff87 "rgb=0,255,135
hi x049_MediumSpringGreen ctermfg=49 guifg=#00ffaf "rgb=0,255,175
hi x050_Cyan2 ctermfg=50 guifg=#00ffd7 "rgb=0,255,215
hi x051_Cyan1 ctermfg=51 guifg=#00ffff "rgb=0,255,255
hi x052_DarkRed ctermfg=52 guifg=#5f0000 "rgb=95,0,0
hi x053_DeepPink4 ctermfg=53 guifg=#5f005f "rgb=95,0,95
hi x054_Purple4 ctermfg=54 guifg=#5f0087 "rgb=95,0,135
hi x055_Purple4 ctermfg=55 guifg=#5f00af "rgb=95,0,175
hi x056_Purple3 ctermfg=56 guifg=#5f00d7 "rgb=95,0,215
hi x057_BlueViolet ctermfg=57 guifg=#5f00ff "rgb=95,0,255
hi x058_Orange4 ctermfg=58 guifg=#5f5f00 "rgb=95,95,0
hi x059_Grey37 ctermfg=59 guifg=#5f5f5f "rgb=95,95,95
hi x060_MediumPurple4 ctermfg=60 guifg=#5f5f87 "rgb=95,95,135
hi x061_SlateBlue3 ctermfg=61 guifg=#5f5faf "rgb=95,95,175
hi x062_SlateBlue3 ctermfg=62 guifg=#5f5fd7 "rgb=95,95,215
hi x063_RoyalBlue1 ctermfg=63 guifg=#5f5fff "rgb=95,95,255
hi x064_Chartreuse4 ctermfg=64 guifg=#5f8700 "rgb=95,135,0
hi x065_DarkSeaGreen4 ctermfg=65 guifg=#5f875f "rgb=95,135,95
hi x066_PaleTurquoise4 ctermfg=66 guifg=#5f8787 "rgb=95,135,135
hi x067_SteelBlue ctermfg=67 guifg=#5f87af "rgb=95,135,175
hi x068_SteelBlue3 ctermfg=68 guifg=#5f87d7 "rgb=95,135,215
hi x069_CornflowerBlue ctermfg=69 guifg=#5f87ff "rgb=95,135,255
hi x070_Chartreuse3 ctermfg=70 guifg=#5faf00 "rgb=95,175,0
hi x071_DarkSeaGreen4 ctermfg=71 guifg=#5faf5f "rgb=95,175,95
hi x072_CadetBlue ctermfg=72 guifg=#5faf87 "rgb=95,175,135
hi x073_CadetBlue ctermfg=73 guifg=#5fafaf "rgb=95,175,175
hi x074_SkyBlue3 ctermfg=74 guifg=#5fafd7 "rgb=95,175,215
hi x075_SteelBlue1 ctermfg=75 guifg=#5fafff "rgb=95,175,255
hi x076_Chartreuse3 ctermfg=76 guifg=#5fd700 "rgb=95,215,0
hi x077_PaleGreen3 ctermfg=77 guifg=#5fd75f "rgb=95,215,95
hi x078_SeaGreen3 ctermfg=78 guifg=#5fd787 "rgb=95,215,135
hi x079_Aquamarine3 ctermfg=79 guifg=#5fd7af "rgb=95,215,175
hi x080_MediumTurquoise ctermfg=80 guifg=#5fd7d7 "rgb=95,215,215
hi x081_SteelBlue1 ctermfg=81 guifg=#5fd7ff "rgb=95,215,255
hi x082_Chartreuse2 ctermfg=82 guifg=#5fff00 "rgb=95,255,0
hi x083_SeaGreen2 ctermfg=83 guifg=#5fff5f "rgb=95,255,95
hi x084_SeaGreen1 ctermfg=84 guifg=#5fff87 "rgb=95,255,135
hi x085_SeaGreen1 ctermfg=85 guifg=#5fffaf "rgb=95,255,175
hi x086_Aquamarine1 ctermfg=86 guifg=#5fffd7 "rgb=95,255,215
hi x087_DarkSlateGray2 ctermfg=87 guifg=#5fffff "rgb=95,255,255
hi x088_DarkRed ctermfg=88 guifg=#870000 "rgb=135,0,0
hi x089_DeepPink4 ctermfg=89 guifg=#87005f "rgb=135,0,95
hi x090_DarkMagenta ctermfg=90 guifg=#870087 "rgb=135,0,135
hi x091_DarkMagenta ctermfg=91 guifg=#8700af "rgb=135,0,175
hi x092_DarkViolet ctermfg=92 guifg=#8700d7 "rgb=135,0,215
hi x093_Purple ctermfg=93 guifg=#8700ff "rgb=135,0,255
hi x094_Orange4 ctermfg=94 guifg=#875f00 "rgb=135,95,0
hi x095_LightPink4 ctermfg=95 guifg=#875f5f "rgb=135,95,95
hi x096_Plum4 ctermfg=96 guifg=#875f87 "rgb=135,95,135
hi x097_MediumPurple3 ctermfg=97 guifg=#875faf "rgb=135,95,175
hi x098_MediumPurple3 ctermfg=98 guifg=#875fd7 "rgb=135,95,215
hi x099_SlateBlue1 ctermfg=99 guifg=#875fff "rgb=135,95,255
hi x100_Yellow4 ctermfg=100 guifg=#878700 "rgb=135,135,0
hi x101_Wheat4 ctermfg=101 guifg=#87875f "rgb=135,135,95
hi x102_Grey53 ctermfg=102 guifg=#878787 "rgb=135,135,135
hi x103_LightSlateGrey ctermfg=103 guifg=#8787af "rgb=135,135,175
hi x104_MediumPurple ctermfg=104 guifg=#8787d7 "rgb=135,135,215
hi x105_LightSlateBlue ctermfg=105 guifg=#8787ff "rgb=135,135,255
hi x106_Yellow4 ctermfg=106 guifg=#87af00 "rgb=135,175,0
hi x107_DarkOliveGreen3 ctermfg=107 guifg=#87af5f "rgb=135,175,95
hi x108_DarkSeaGreen ctermfg=108 guifg=#87af87 "rgb=135,175,135
hi x109_LightSkyBlue3 ctermfg=109 guifg=#87afaf "rgb=135,175,175
hi x110_LightSkyBlue3 ctermfg=110 guifg=#87afd7 "rgb=135,175,215
hi x111_SkyBlue2 ctermfg=111 guifg=#87afff "rgb=135,175,255
hi x112_Chartreuse2 ctermfg=112 guifg=#87d700 "rgb=135,215,0
hi x113_DarkOliveGreen3 ctermfg=113 guifg=#87d75f "rgb=135,215,95
hi x114_PaleGreen3 ctermfg=114 guifg=#87d787 "rgb=135,215,135
hi x115_DarkSeaGreen3 ctermfg=115 guifg=#87d7af "rgb=135,215,175
hi x116_DarkSlateGray3 ctermfg=116 guifg=#87d7d7 "rgb=135,215,215
hi x117_SkyBlue1 ctermfg=117 guifg=#87d7ff "rgb=135,215,255
hi x118_Chartreuse1 ctermfg=118 guifg=#87ff00 "rgb=135,255,0
hi x119_LightGreen ctermfg=119 guifg=#87ff5f "rgb=135,255,95
hi x120_LightGreen ctermfg=120 guifg=#87ff87 "rgb=135,255,135
hi x121_PaleGreen1 ctermfg=121 guifg=#87ffaf "rgb=135,255,175
hi x122_Aquamarine1 ctermfg=122 guifg=#87ffd7 "rgb=135,255,215
hi x123_DarkSlateGray1 ctermfg=123 guifg=#87ffff "rgb=135,255,255
hi x124_Red3 ctermfg=124 guifg=#af0000 "rgb=175,0,0
hi x125_DeepPink4 ctermfg=125 guifg=#af005f "rgb=175,0,95
hi x126_MediumVioletRed ctermfg=126 guifg=#af0087 "rgb=175,0,135
hi x127_Magenta3 ctermfg=127 guifg=#af00af "rgb=175,0,175
hi x128_DarkViolet ctermfg=128 guifg=#af00d7 "rgb=175,0,215
hi x129_Purple ctermfg=129 guifg=#af00ff "rgb=175,0,255
hi x130_DarkOrange3 ctermfg=130 guifg=#af5f00 "rgb=175,95,0
hi x131_IndianRed ctermfg=131 guifg=#af5f5f "rgb=175,95,95
hi x132_HotPink3 ctermfg=132 guifg=#af5f87 "rgb=175,95,135
hi x133_MediumOrchid3 ctermfg=133 guifg=#af5faf "rgb=175,95,175
hi x134_MediumOrchid ctermfg=134 guifg=#af5fd7 "rgb=175,95,215
hi x135_MediumPurple2 ctermfg=135 guifg=#af5fff "rgb=175,95,255
hi x136_DarkGoldenrod ctermfg=136 guifg=#af8700 "rgb=175,135,0
hi x137_LightSalmon3 ctermfg=137 guifg=#af875f "rgb=175,135,95
hi x138_RosyBrown ctermfg=138 guifg=#af8787 "rgb=175,135,135
hi x139_Grey63 ctermfg=139 guifg=#af87af "rgb=175,135,175
hi x140_MediumPurple2 ctermfg=140 guifg=#af87d7 "rgb=175,135,215
hi x141_MediumPurple1 ctermfg=141 guifg=#af87ff "rgb=175,135,255
hi x142_Gold3 ctermfg=142 guifg=#afaf00 "rgb=175,175,0
hi x143_DarkKhaki ctermfg=143 guifg=#afaf5f "rgb=175,175,95
hi x144_NavajoWhite3 ctermfg=144 guifg=#afaf87 "rgb=175,175,135
hi x145_Grey69 ctermfg=145 guifg=#afafaf "rgb=175,175,175
hi x146_LightSteelBlue3 ctermfg=146 guifg=#afafd7 "rgb=175,175,215
hi x147_LightSteelBlue ctermfg=147 guifg=#afafff "rgb=175,175,255
hi x148_Yellow3 ctermfg=148 guifg=#afd700 "rgb=175,215,0
hi x149_DarkOliveGreen3 ctermfg=149 guifg=#afd75f "rgb=175,215,95
hi x150_DarkSeaGreen3 ctermfg=150 guifg=#afd787 "rgb=175,215,135
hi x151_DarkSeaGreen2 ctermfg=151 guifg=#afd7af "rgb=175,215,175
hi x152_LightCyan3 ctermfg=152 guifg=#afd7d7 "rgb=175,215,215
hi x153_LightSkyBlue1 ctermfg=153 guifg=#afd7ff "rgb=175,215,255
hi x154_GreenYellow ctermfg=154 guifg=#afff00 "rgb=175,255,0
hi x155_DarkOliveGreen2 ctermfg=155 guifg=#afff5f "rgb=175,255,95
hi x156_PaleGreen1 ctermfg=156 guifg=#afff87 "rgb=175,255,135
hi x157_DarkSeaGreen2 ctermfg=157 guifg=#afffaf "rgb=175,255,175
hi x158_DarkSeaGreen1 ctermfg=158 guifg=#afffd7 "rgb=175,255,215
hi x159_PaleTurquoise1 ctermfg=159 guifg=#afffff "rgb=175,255,255
hi x160_Red3 ctermfg=160 guifg=#d70000 "rgb=215,0,0
hi x161_DeepPink3 ctermfg=161 guifg=#d7005f "rgb=215,0,95
hi x162_DeepPink3 ctermfg=162 guifg=#d70087 "rgb=215,0,135
hi x163_Magenta3 ctermfg=163 guifg=#d700af "rgb=215,0,175
hi x164_Magenta3 ctermfg=164 guifg=#d700d7 "rgb=215,0,215
hi x165_Magenta2 ctermfg=165 guifg=#d700ff "rgb=215,0,255
hi x166_DarkOrange3 ctermfg=166 guifg=#d75f00 "rgb=215,95,0
hi x167_IndianRed ctermfg=167 guifg=#d75f5f "rgb=215,95,95
hi x168_HotPink3 ctermfg=168 guifg=#d75f87 "rgb=215,95,135
hi x169_HotPink2 ctermfg=169 guifg=#d75faf "rgb=215,95,175
hi x170_Orchid ctermfg=170 guifg=#d75fd7 "rgb=215,95,215
hi x171_MediumOrchid1 ctermfg=171 guifg=#d75fff "rgb=215,95,255
hi x172_Orange3 ctermfg=172 guifg=#d78700 "rgb=215,135,0
hi x173_LightSalmon3 ctermfg=173 guifg=#d7875f "rgb=215,135,95
hi x174_LightPink3 ctermfg=174 guifg=#d78787 "rgb=215,135,135
hi x175_Pink3 ctermfg=175 guifg=#d787af "rgb=215,135,175
hi x176_Plum3 ctermfg=176 guifg=#d787d7 "rgb=215,135,215
hi x177_Violet ctermfg=177 guifg=#d787ff "rgb=215,135,255
hi x178_Gold3 ctermfg=178 guifg=#d7af00 "rgb=215,175,0
hi x179_LightGoldenrod3 ctermfg=179 guifg=#d7af5f "rgb=215,175,95
hi x180_Tan ctermfg=180 guifg=#d7af87 "rgb=215,175,135
hi x181_MistyRose3 ctermfg=181 guifg=#d7afaf "rgb=215,175,175
hi x182_Thistle3 ctermfg=182 guifg=#d7afd7 "rgb=215,175,215
hi x183_Plum2 ctermfg=183 guifg=#d7afff "rgb=215,175,255
hi x184_Yellow3 ctermfg=184 guifg=#d7d700 "rgb=215,215,0
hi x185_Khaki3 ctermfg=185 guifg=#d7d75f "rgb=215,215,95
hi x186_LightGoldenrod2 ctermfg=186 guifg=#d7d787 "rgb=215,215,135
hi x187_LightYellow3 ctermfg=187 guifg=#d7d7af "rgb=215,215,175
hi x188_Grey84 ctermfg=188 guifg=#d7d7d7 "rgb=215,215,215
hi x189_LightSteelBlue1 ctermfg=189 guifg=#d7d7ff "rgb=215,215,255
hi x190_Yellow2 ctermfg=190 guifg=#d7ff00 "rgb=215,255,0
hi x191_DarkOliveGreen1 ctermfg=191 guifg=#d7ff5f "rgb=215,255,95
hi x192_DarkOliveGreen1 ctermfg=192 guifg=#d7ff87 "rgb=215,255,135
hi x193_DarkSeaGreen1 ctermfg=193 guifg=#d7ffaf "rgb=215,255,175
hi x194_Honeydew2 ctermfg=194 guifg=#d7ffd7 "rgb=215,255,215
hi x195_LightCyan1 ctermfg=195 guifg=#d7ffff "rgb=215,255,255
hi x196_Red1 ctermfg=196 guifg=#ff0000 "rgb=255,0,0
hi x197_DeepPink2 ctermfg=197 guifg=#ff005f "rgb=255,0,95
hi x198_DeepPink1 ctermfg=198 guifg=#ff0087 "rgb=255,0,135
hi x199_DeepPink1 ctermfg=199 guifg=#ff00af "rgb=255,0,175
hi x200_Magenta2 ctermfg=200 guifg=#ff00d7 "rgb=255,0,215
hi x201_Magenta1 ctermfg=201 guifg=#ff00ff "rgb=255,0,255
hi x202_OrangeRed1 ctermfg=202 guifg=#ff5f00 "rgb=255,95,0
hi x203_IndianRed1 ctermfg=203 guifg=#ff5f5f "rgb=255,95,95
hi x204_IndianRed1 ctermfg=204 guifg=#ff5f87 "rgb=255,95,135
hi x205_HotPink ctermfg=205 guifg=#ff5faf "rgb=255,95,175
hi x206_HotPink ctermfg=206 guifg=#ff5fd7 "rgb=255,95,215
hi x207_MediumOrchid1 ctermfg=207 guifg=#ff5fff "rgb=255,95,255
hi x208_DarkOrange ctermfg=208 guifg=#ff8700 "rgb=255,135,0
hi x209_Salmon1 ctermfg=209 guifg=#ff875f "rgb=255,135,95
hi x210_LightCoral ctermfg=210 guifg=#ff8787 "rgb=255,135,135
hi x211_PaleVioletRed1 ctermfg=211 guifg=#ff87af "rgb=255,135,175
hi x212_Orchid2 ctermfg=212 guifg=#ff87d7 "rgb=255,135,215
hi x213_Orchid1 ctermfg=213 guifg=#ff87ff "rgb=255,135,255
hi x214_Orange1 ctermfg=214 guifg=#ffaf00 "rgb=255,175,0
hi x215_SandyBrown ctermfg=215 guifg=#ffaf5f "rgb=255,175,95
hi x216_LightSalmon1 ctermfg=216 guifg=#ffaf87 "rgb=255,175,135
hi x217_LightPink1 ctermfg=217 guifg=#ffafaf "rgb=255,175,175
hi x218_Pink1 ctermfg=218 guifg=#ffafd7 "rgb=255,175,215
hi x219_Plum1 ctermfg=219 guifg=#ffafff "rgb=255,175,255
hi x220_Gold1 ctermfg=220 guifg=#ffd700 "rgb=255,215,0
hi x221_LightGoldenrod2 ctermfg=221 guifg=#ffd75f "rgb=255,215,95
hi x222_LightGoldenrod2 ctermfg=222 guifg=#ffd787 "rgb=255,215,135
hi x223_NavajoWhite1 ctermfg=223 guifg=#ffd7af "rgb=255,215,175
hi x224_MistyRose1 ctermfg=224 guifg=#ffd7d7 "rgb=255,215,215
hi x225_Thistle1 ctermfg=225 guifg=#ffd7ff "rgb=255,215,255
hi x226_Yellow1 ctermfg=226 guifg=#ffff00 "rgb=255,255,0
hi x227_LightGoldenrod1 ctermfg=227 guifg=#ffff5f "rgb=255,255,95
hi x228_Khaki1 ctermfg=228 guifg=#ffff87 "rgb=255,255,135
hi x229_Wheat1 ctermfg=229 guifg=#ffffaf "rgb=255,255,175
hi x230_Cornsilk1 ctermfg=230 guifg=#ffffd7 "rgb=255,255,215
hi x231_Grey100 ctermfg=231 guifg=#ffffff "rgb=255,255,255
hi x232_Grey3 ctermfg=232 guifg=#080808 "rgb=8,8,8
hi x233_Grey7 ctermfg=233 guifg=#121212 "rgb=18,18,18
hi x234_Grey11 ctermfg=234 guifg=#1c1c1c "rgb=28,28,28
hi x235_Grey15 ctermfg=235 guifg=#262626 "rgb=38,38,38
hi x236_Grey19 ctermfg=236 guifg=#303030 "rgb=48,48,48
hi x237_Grey23 ctermfg=237 guifg=#3a3a3a "rgb=58,58,58
hi x238_Grey27 ctermfg=238 guifg=#444444 "rgb=68,68,68
hi x239_Grey30 ctermfg=239 guifg=#4e4e4e "rgb=78,78,78
hi x240_Grey35 ctermfg=240 guifg=#585858 "rgb=88,88,88
hi x241_Grey39 ctermfg=241 guifg=#626262 "rgb=98,98,98
hi x242_Grey42 ctermfg=242 guifg=#6c6c6c "rgb=108,108,108
hi x243_Grey46 ctermfg=243 guifg=#767676 "rgb=118,118,118
hi x244_Grey50 ctermfg=244 guifg=#808080 "rgb=128,128,128
hi x245_Grey54 ctermfg=245 guifg=#8a8a8a "rgb=138,138,138
hi x246_Grey58 ctermfg=246 guifg=#949494 "rgb=148,148,148
hi x247_Grey62 ctermfg=247 guifg=#9e9e9e "rgb=158,158,158
hi x248_Grey66 ctermfg=248 guifg=#a8a8a8 "rgb=168,168,168
hi x249_Grey70 ctermfg=249 guifg=#b2b2b2 "rgb=178,178,178
hi x250_Grey74 ctermfg=250 guifg=#bcbcbc "rgb=188,188,188
hi x251_Grey78 ctermfg=251 guifg=#c6c6c6 "rgb=198,198,198
hi x252_Grey82 ctermfg=252 guifg=#d0d0d0 "rgb=208,208,208
hi x253_Grey85 ctermfg=253 guifg=#dadada "rgb=218,218,218
hi x254_Grey89 ctermfg=254 guifg=#e4e4e4 "rgb=228,228,228
hi x255_Grey93 ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee "rgb=238,238,238


net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0
kernel.msgmnb = 65536
kernel.msgmax = 65536
kernel.shmmax = 68719476736
kernel.shmall = 4294967296
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535

net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 0
net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter = 0
net.ipv4.conf.eth1.rp_filter = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce = 2
net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_announce = 2
net.ipv4.conf.eth0.arp_announce = 2
net.ipv4.conf.eth1.arp_announce = 2

net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 10
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 60
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 786432 2097152 3145728
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 4096 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 4096 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 16384
net.core.somaxconn = 20480
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216


Windows 平台下,conio.h 中有许多操作控制台颜色、格式的函数。但是再 Linux 平台下却没有类似的函数。经过在网上的一番搜索,找到了解决此问题的方法——转义字符\e。
注意,\e这种写法可能并不被你的编译器所支持(Linux下的GNU和Bash支持,亲测无误),因为他并不是ANSI C的。可以用\033代替。